Thursday, June 28, 2012

Study Breaks College Media Presents Seven Simple Strategies for Businesses to Produce an Awesome Newsletter And Gain Readers and Customers

Study Breaks College Media Presents Seven Simple Strategies for Businesses to Produce an Awesome Newsletter And Gain Readers and Customers Study Breaks, a leading college media entertainment company, presents businesses with seven tips to utilize the tool that is the newsletter and make one that is both effective and entertaining. A newsletter is an easy and--if done online--often free way to reach potential customers and, done right, can capture fans, build loyalty and increase sales. Any business, regardless of the type, needs to use the proper technique when creating a newsletter, and the right approach will only make it that much easier to gain the attention and loyalty of readers(who more than likely have very short attention spans). A title should be slightly mysterious with a splash of cleverness/wit/humor and take full advantage of the 3 seconds that readers? brains use to make a decision; it's good to think outside the box. Whether the title made the reader chuckle for a second or even initiated a harmless argumentative response, if it grabs their attention, it's doing something right. If readers are left saying, ?That?s pretty cool, but where do I get that?? or ?Do they have a website?? or ?What?s the catch??, then the newsletter has failed to include very important information about the business that could have landed a loyal customer. (Much like people look forward to a weekly/monthly magazine.) That means it's important not to keep them waiting or wondering when--or if--the newsletter is coming again. Study Breaks College Media provides a one-stop solution for small businesses, providing them with big marketing strategies and delivering college students. Study Breaks magazine is an award-winning line of monthly entertainment magazines for college students with a mission can best be explained through its slogan:

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