Friday, October 12, 2012

5 Liposuction Myths Debunked: What is Really Possible With Liposuction Procedures?

The reasons for the rapid increase in liposuction popularity is quite simple: better results, quicker recovery, permanent change, and affordable prices. Many liposuction surgeons tell their patients that they have to be within 10-15 pounds of their ideal weight for optimal results. [...] the more fat you have, the bigger the change that can be accomplished. Chin, neck, arms, upper back, breasts, underarms, full abdomen, love handles, hips, lower back, full thighs, pubic, butt, calves and ankles. The truth is that once fat is removed from a given area, the skin normally will retract to similar tightness of the skin prior to liposuction, except the volume in the area will be much less. Most studies agree that fat cells do not reproduce, rather they shrink or swell depending on a persons weight gain or loss. Since liposuction is the physical removal of fat cells, patients are left with a 50%-70% reduction in the number of fat cells they have in a treated area. Because not all of the fat cells in a treated area are removed, there will still be some cells left that could get larger, but theoretically it will be much more difficult to gain weight in that area since there are significantly less fat cells. [...] most patients are able to return to a sedentary job within 1-3 days.

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