Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Prepared for Zombies? Then British Columbia Thinks You?re Ready for Anything

Would your family be prepared if disaster strikes? What would happen if you lost power for days at a time? What if there was an earthquake or an extreme weather event that threatened your property, or even your lives? Would you survive? Being ready at all times ? with food, water, medical supplies, batteries, flashlights and all the other gear that might be needed to survive for a week or two ? can make all the difference. But not everyone listens and this means that should the worst case scenario happen, a lot of families will lack the planning and supplies needed to make it before authorities are able to come to their rescue. And in the case of a more mild occurrence (like an extended power blackout), those who are ready for it will find themselves in a much more comfortable position as they wait for things to return to normalcy.

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